White and Wood Kitchen

Project 9997 – Elmhurst, IL In a home with dark wood trim, it is often hard to imagine a white kitchen. The original cabinets from the 1990’s were a dark cherry and the owners wanted the room to lighten-up.  They also wanted to continue the lovely dark oak flooring running throughout the rest of the …

ADA Ready Bathroom

Project 9999 – Elmhurst, IL Featured in West Suburban Living Magazine This bathroom takes the desire to “age in place” to glamorous levels.  So often, hospital grade products come to mind when thinking of an ADA compliant space.  This renovation removed the existing tub and replaced it with a large barrier-free shower.  The zero-height threshold and double …

ADA & Universal Design

Building Your Home Around You and your future We believe that good design is more than “curb appeal.”  Your home should fit you and your routine.  As experts in Functional Design, we can help you find solutions to your needs so you can: Live in your home longer Live independently longer Retain dignity longer Thoughtfully …

Contact Us

  Imperial Kitchens and Baths, Inc. 8918 W. Ogden Ave. Brookfield, IL 60513 ph 708.485.0020 fx  708.485.2880 info@imperialkb.com Showroom Hours: Weekdays 1-4pm Other hours by appointment only                 Inquiries   [contact-form to=’stephanie@imperialkb.onmicrosoft.com’ subject=’Contact Webpage Inquiry’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Best Time to Call’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/] …